Die neue Arduino IDE steht nun seit ein paar Tagen kostenlos zum Download für Mac OS X, Linux und Windows bereit.
Hier ein paar Highlights:
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* Boards and libraries managers, for one click install of additional boards and libraries * In platform.txt, pre and post build hooks can now be specified. * Windows and MacOSX JVM Xmx halved to 512M * Introduced starting splashscreen with progress status: will be used for notifying user of long running startup tasks * Available ports list is now generated in background: hence "tools" menu is much faster * MacOSX: appbundler merged our contribution, switching to upstream version https://bitbucket.org/infinitekind/appbundler/ * EEPROM: Replaced existing library with more complete implementation * SD: fixed endless timeout on 32bit core (Due) * SPI: do not influence state of SS pin if it's already been set as output by user sketch ... |
So sieht die IDE nach dem Start aus:
Also, dann mal los.